Board and policies​


Registered in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Chamber of Commerce dossier number: 3425.4956

Board members

Mr. J. Meedern
Mr. P.H.L. Kalverboer
Mrs. M.M.H. Deen - Kalverboer


1. General

This policy statement should be regarded as a regulation as referred to in article 9 of the Articles of Association of the Foundation.

2. Activities of the Foundation

The activities of the Foundation are focused on generating gifts, subsidies, bequests and other proceeds as well as to generate financial returns by investment the equity of the Foundation. The Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation.

3. Objective of the Foundation

To make financial donations to scientific, cultural, humanistic, educational, religious or public benefit institutions as referred to by the Dutch Civil Code article 6.33 of the Income Tax Law 2001. It is the objective of the Foundation to make donations and or loans annually without endangering the continuity of the Foundation. With the provision of donations or loans, the Foundations aims to make a real impact, locally, for the beneficiaries involved.

4. Management of the equity of the Foundation

The Board manages the equity position of the Foundation in such a way that the continuity of the Foundation is not threatened.

5. Power of disposal regarding the equity of the Foundation

A board member is not allowed to use or allocate the equity of the Foundation as if it is her or his own capital. In this regard the Foundation is prohibited, among others, to provide loans or support to a blood relative or family member up to the fourth degree or a board member of the partner (cohabiting or married) of board members.

6. Remuneration of the board members of the Foundation

The board members of the Foundation do not receive any compensation for their work. Prior approved out-of-pocket expenses will be reimbursed.

Agreed and signed in Amsterdam on June 19, 2013.